
Join MEASURED at the second winter school on Membranes and Membrane reactors in Eindhoven

We are very pleased to announce the second winter school on Membranes and Membrane reactors in Eindhoven!

The event will take place on 27-28 January 2025 at TU/e in Eindhoven (Netherlands).

The winter school is coorganized by ANDREAH, APOLO and MEASURED projects.

You can expect many exciting presentations from TOP experts in the field of membrane reactors, in particular membrane preparation, scale-up, catalyst development for membrane reactors, laboratory and large-scale demonstrations.

Lectures from:

Prof. Serra (ITO Valencia)

Dr. Pacheco (Tecnalia)

Prof. Curcio (Unical)

Dr. Maklhoufi (XMEM)

Dr. Nikbakht Fini, M. (INO)

Dr. Italiano (ITAE)

Dr. Tournigant (CTI)

Dr. Figoli (ITM)

Dr. Nijmeijer (Shell)


Stay tuned for further updates!